Thursday, August 14, 2008

TAPS Ghost Hunters Episode--The Crescent Hotel


Guys, the TAPS Ghost Hunters show on the Sci Fi Channel did an episode on the Crescent Hotel a while back. AND, they captured what might be one of the best apparition images I've ever seen. Down in the basement (and I was here and will post my personal photos) they caught this:

Creepy, huh? I told you this hotel was the real deal. From what I'm told, this lit up the TAPS message boards like Cutman's eyes watching scat porn.

This image was captured in front of this locker:

Also, the table below is the last existing operating table from Dr. Norman Baker's cancer experiments (a captured image from the show):

I have personal photos I will post of this as well. Real world horror + camera captured apparitions=Cleveland found it!

Arkansas is one messed, up creepy place. And here is the cool thing, during Halloween, you can actually spend the night down there! Maybe something to consider?

Anyway, more to come.



Online Bathrooms said...

Ye, don't think i'll be giving that a go!

mcadwell said...

I want to know how they don't get scared.