Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Okay, so I started looking into our E.T. touting friend and it seems to be his modus operandi. When he initially went into space in '71 he felt an unbelievable "connectedness" to the cosmos. He did some ESP experiments while on the trip and probably some other weird stuff that I just haven't read yet. He left NASA to research and develop theories about science and the supernatural co-existing. His book, The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds, delves into his findings. He founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences, in 1972 to research the nature of consciousness as it relates to cosmology and causality. He picked the right career because he definitely has his head in the clouds. I'll keep digging and I'll be back with more.

1 comment:

Mr. Xoom said...

He looks like my eight grade football coach...